At a Distance Media Release

For Immediate Release

July 2, 2020

Nakai launches At A Distance -

A Community Puppet-building Program for the Summer of COVID

During this summer like no other, imagine looking out the window and seeing two giant puppets embrace, and the delight that could bring. 

Or, even better, imagine you and your COVID-pod make a puppet at home, inspired by the designs and suggestions of Yukon artists, to the (safe) delight of your neighbors and fellow citizens.

Nakai launches At a Distance to inspire do-it-yourself creativity and outdoor theatre that delights Whitehorse and beyond.

We’re working with the amazing Susie Anne Bartsch, who brings her experience in big puppets, community organizing and generally being awesome. 

In these times, we need activities that connect us - not only online, but also in relation to each other and to the space around us. 

How can we see each other and use our creativity? How can we keep making and sharing? And how do we keep the kids busy?

First, we’ve commissioned some Yukon artists to make some prototypes.

Next, we open it up to anyone who wants to join in and make their own.

Then, we share together - through pop-up puppet dances, puppet hugs and random puppet parades in July and August.

More information at and


Supported by Yukon Government (On Yukon Time), Yukon Arts Centre, Gwaandak Theatre and others.

newsJacob Zimmer